Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cellulite Treatments

Cellulite Treatments
Endermologie uses a patented machine (vacuum device) which creates suction to temporarily immobilize and lift your soft tissue while dual "rollers" create deep, subdermal massage to the connective tissue and fat globules to improve the appearance of cellulite. • Endermologie info

Mesotherapy is a technique where small amounts of medication, vitamins and supplements are injected into fat and the connective tissue of the skin (called the mesoderm) for many cosmetic and medical purposes including reduction of cellulite and fat. •Mesotherapy Info

A machine that uses both massage and lasers. The massage breaks up connective tissue or the fatty deposits. The diode or the laser in the triactive stimulates circulation to come and absorb that fatty tissue." • Triactive info

LipoSelection is a gentle alternative to liposuction. It includes injecting fluids into the affected areas and Applying ultrasonic energy to the tissue.

DermaWave No Needle Mesotherapy™ is used to treat and smooth cellulite, or dimpled skin on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. More Info

Acoustic Wave Therapy
Through Acoustic Wave Therapy, women can achieve smoother skin in the areas where cellulite commonly forms -- the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms.More Info

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Young Cellulite

It's weird how even young girls have cellulite these days! (or at least I think this is something new, maybe since ancient times some young girls have had cellulite and I just hadn't realized it!) I write this because I have a young sister who is 17 years old. She is a little chubby and I recently noticed that she has a lot of cellulite on her tush! That was a new and not pretty sight! I am now going to see if I can find more information on cellulite in younger people to post here later on.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What can you do for cellulite?

Diet Tips
While thin people still have cellulite, certain foods can exacerbate it, such as unnatural substances like artificial sweeteners. Diets full of natural, high fiber foods and lots of water can help lessen the appearance of cellulite.

Body Brush
A natural cactus bristle brush can provide great results for cellulite reduction - it increases circulation, improves metabolism, eliminates dead skin cells and helps the body's natural detoxification process. Nicky recommends the
Elemis Body Brush.The Elemis Body Brush is used by beauty concious women worldwide is reported to be a favorite of Actress/Singer Hilary Duff.

Get to the root of the problem by ridding the body of toxins. Nicky recommends a body oil that contains a powerful synergy of detoxifying seabuckthorn, sea fennel, lemon and juniper. These natural forces combine to form an extremely powerful cellulite treatment Try the
Cellutox Herbal Bath Synergy.
Elemis Cellutox Herbal Bath Synergy

Firming Cream
A good firming cream will keep skin smooth and soft and alleviate dimpling, the most undesirable cellulite effect. Nicky believes in the
Metasystem Cream, which also detoxifies body fluid, aids slimming and strengthens and repairs connective tissue.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cellulite Myth

There are lots of things that can be blamed for cellulite but drinking soda is not one of them. It was once thought that the sodium in soda was the culpret causing the fat cells to swell. That supposedly became the dimpling that we are familiar with. Others thought that it was the carbonation... you know those little bubbles. No, they did not mysteriously get under the skin. What you can blame it on is your genes or even a desk job. What you can do about it, is to massage the area but this will not totally rid you of this problem. It can help but that's it.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Before and After Photos

I'm not sure I believe in these before and after surgery pics, but they are fun to look at!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Things that cause Cellulite


Insufficient water intake. Water helps the waste system operate, flushing toxins from your body. Drink 7 glasses of water a day.

Poor eating habits including alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods contribute to the formation of cellulite because the toxins they produce get trapped in the fatty tissue.
Smoking, it is not only bad for the skin and lungs, but it weakens the skin by causing constriction of capillaries. It further damages the connective tissue that causes the dimpling effect of cellulite, too.

Tension and stress can cause a muscle to seize up in pain; they can also cause the connective tissue that covers that muscle to seize up. Tension also blocks the tissue, preventing proper waste elimination and purification. ·
Medication can disturb the body's natural processes, disturbing the purification system that is naturally in place. Diet pills, sleeping pills and diuretics can all lead to cellulite; oral contraceptives, which increase the body's oestrogen, cause fat cells to enlarge, leading to water retention. Retaining water inhibits the body from flushing the system of toxins, leading to the formation of cellulite.

Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the formation of cellulite. Exercise decreases many health risks and also helps fight cellulite.

It improves muscle tone, circulation and overall well-being, helping to break blocked tissue and purify the body.
Crash diets increase the risk of cellulite because the body thinks it's starving and by attempting to compensate, it assists in cellulite formation. All saturated fats help build cellulite. These fats block the arteries and get trapped in the tissue as well, preventing sufficient waste and toxin elimination.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Stars with Cellulite

These pictures go to show that anyone can get cellulite. On the top left hand corner is a picture of Kate Moss's legs, on the top right hand corner are Scarlett Johanssen's legs and on the bottom left is a picture of Gwyneth Paltrow.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Different Theories for Causes of Cellulite include

Click on any of the linked theories to learn more!

Damaged Circulation

Free Radicals


Hormonal Imbalances

Excess estrogen

Lack of Exercise

Poor lymphatic circulation

Over Exertion

Bad Diet

Toxin buildup

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Nine ways of treating cellulite

1. Strengthen blood vessels/increase blood flow

2. Encourage the production of connective tissue

3. Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin

4. Attract water to the cells

5. Repair cell membranes

6. Reduce wasted water

7. Prevent free-radical damage

8. Reduce inflammation

9. Promote exfoliation

Monday, January 15, 2007

cellulite diet

Coffee or tea with milk (half and half)
Bread and butter or
Lunch And Dinner
Raw salad
Unpeeled potatoes
Slices of hard-boiled eggs
Grated raw cabbage
A dessertspoonful of wheat germ
1/4 lb. meat or an egg or ham or lean fish
Cheese or yoghourt (In the evening more salad)
A sweet dessert (In the evening another dish with an egg)
Drinks such as a little wine
No coffee after the meal
A glass of sherry once a fortnight
No cocktails
Whisky only rarely
If necessary just one cigarette after the meal

Friday, January 12, 2007

3 awesome tips to avoid cellulite

Drink well
Drink six to eight glasses of water per day to flush out any excess sodium that causes fluid retention. If you get bored of water, try herbal teas or adding a little pure fruit juice to it. Sticking to this regime can make your skin look plumper within seven days.
Quit smoking
Here’s yet another reason to kick the habit. Smoking can worsen cellulite as it cuts off your skin’s food supply and floods your body with toxins. This can have a detrimental effect on the elasticity of your skin, thereby worsening cellulite… and bringing on premature wrinkles and sagging. Ah!
Stress bunnies take note! Stress causes hormonal changes that can affect the skin. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can cause thinning of the skin and increased fat storage. It can also slow the production of growth hormones that create healthy skin. It is so important to get relaxation into your day; try yoga, cycling or walking, and make sure you get the magic eight hours sleep per night.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

home-made cellulite-reducing oil

The first thing you need is 100 mL of hazelnut oil in which you should add up to: 100 drops of cedarwood oil (cedrus deodora), 15 drops of juniper berry oil (Juniperus communis), 40 drops of cypress oil (Cupressus sempervirens), 40 drops of rosemary oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), 20 drops of eucalyptus lemon oil (Eukalyptus citriodora), 20 drops of sage oil (Salvia officinalis) and up to 20 drops of lemon oil (Citrus limon).
Once you make the anti-cellulite oil, you should keep it in a small clean bottle with a tight cap on. You can smear the oil twice a day onto your troubled areas (say…your butt and thighs) if you have much cellulite, or only once if your cellulite is not so bad. The best thing to do is to smear it on, wait for 10 minutes and than lay down in a nice warm bath (no soap bubbles) for another 10 to 15 minutes. You'll se the results in two to three weeks.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

what is cellulite?

OK, EVERONE has heard of cellulite and most people know what cellulite is. But as always, there are people who don't. So, here are some facts you need to know.

Cellulite describes dimpling of skin, caused by the protrusion of subcutaneous fat into the dermis creating an undulating dermal-subcutaneous fat junction adipose tissue. The term cellulite originated in France more than 150 years ago and began appearing in English language publications in the late 1960s, the earliest reference in Vogue magazine, "Like a swift migrating fish the word cellulite has suddenly crossed the Atlantic.

Descriptive names for cellulite include orange peel syndrome (hence my blog name), cottage cheese skin, the mattress phenomenon, and hail damage. Synonyms include: adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis and gynoid lipodystrophy. It is unrelated to cellulitis, which is infection of the skin and its underlying connective tissue.

Between 85% and 98% of post-pubescent females display some degree of cellulite. It is prevalent in women of all races but is more common in Caucasian females than in Asian females. There appears to be a hormonal component to its presentation. It is rarely seen in males. It is seen more commonly in males with androgen-deficient states such as Klinefelter's syndrome, hypogonadism, post-castration states and in those patients receiving estrogen therapy for prostate cancer. The cellulite becomes more severe as the androgen deficiency worsens in these males. Cellulite is not related to being overweight; average and underweight people also get cellulite.

While harmless, the dimpled appearance is a cause of concern for some people. The cosmetics industry claims to offer many remedies. There are no supplements that have been approved as effective for reducing cellulite. Cosmetic laser manufacturers, such as Syneron, claim success after a few applications of their products. Liposuction, which extracts fat from under the skin, is not effective for cellulite reduction. Dieting does not get rid of the dimpled appearance, but a balanced diet and exercise may help.

Cellulite has been found to be indistinguishable from ordinary fat in every medical and scientific test. It is not proven whether any cosmetic lotion, massager or pills can reduce/increase cellulite versus ordinary fat. The only known way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to reduce overall body fat by altering diet or exercise, although it may remain visible even on very slim women.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

How to prevent cellulite

I didnt really think these tips would work, but I dicided to put them to the test> They ARE helpful, so I put them up sO that everybody who has cellulite problems can resolve them easy and quickly>

Exercise is one of the best tips there is to prevent cellulite. Since cellulite develops from excess body fat, it is therefore important that regular exercise is part of your lifestyle. Exercise such as aerobic activity e.g. jogging, cycling, rowing machine, will help to reduce body fat levels so long as it is done in conjunction with a clean diet. These are great exercises because they help to get rid of fat deposits from all over the body.
Other than losing body fat, rigorous exercise helps firm up the muscle tissue beneath the skin and improves circulation, which is necessary to avoid cellulite forming. This will reduce or help get rid of cellulite.

Pumping iron
Weight training is great for preventing cellulite because it develops firm muscles and reduces fat by speeding up metabolism substantially.

Weight training is not only for men. Weight training is a great way to assist in cellulite reduction and prevention. We are not talking about lifting huge weights and then eating huge quantity of food to bulk up. Women can use light weights, but heavy enough to stimulate some muscle activity, to help get rid of fat and firm and tone up muscles. The trick is to do compound exercises that work the whole body such as squats. These are fantastic at firming up the traditional cellulite areas of inner thighs, buttocks.

Avoid eating meals that have high fat quantity because fats do break down and convert into energy as well as a high protein diet would. Some of the fatty foods are difficult to break down and will store as fat and will accentuate any cellulite problems you may have.

Avoid refined foods. Foods that have high levels of sugar and other additives accentuate the problem of cellulite. Try to keep with foods that are as natural as possible.

Drinking lots of water will also help to remove cellulite-causing toxins.

Eat small but frequent meals. This is a great way to make the body digest food more easily than when a large quantity of food is consumed at once. Just spread evenly the amount of calories that you require to maintain a healthy weight. Best way to do this would be to have frequent healthy snacks during the day.
Avoid eating carbohydrates in the evenings if at all possible. Carbohydrates are difficult to break down during the night while sleeping because of the low levels of activity, some of it will store as fat.

Avoid intoxicating the body
High levels of toxins present in the body will make the digestive process and the body's ability to get rid of waste, which can result formation of cellulite. Try and avoid intake of food and drink that cause toxins to build up. Things like coffee and tea, alcohol and cigarette smoking are prime candidates that intoxicate the body.

Vitamins and minerals
These are essential to keep skin radiant and firm. This will help skin from getting damaged and reduce the dimple look of the cellulite-affected area.

Massaging the affected area will break up the dimples of fat deposits. Regular massaging will reduce the visibility of cellulite. However, this is often only an aesthetic solution rather than treating the cause.

Monday, January 8, 2007

smoking causes cellulite

Smoking is the cause of so many things we hadn't realized until now. For example, it causes cellulite, facial wrinkles, bad breath, gum disease, tooth loss and erectile dysfunction in men. I found it shocking that in women it increases the likelihOOd Of facial wrinkles by three times and in men it increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by 50% in men ages 30 to 40.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

fat melting laser can treat ccellulite

Medical News TOday published a really interesting article that I want tO share with thOse whO haven't read it> This is a brief abstract:
Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, are using the Free-Electron Laser at specific wavelengths (selective photothermolysis) to heat up fat, which is then excreted by the body - without harming the skin. They say this technique could be used for treating cellulite, acne and heart disease.
Isn't this cool? Seems like in the near future there will be a cure fOr that nasty thing called cellulite!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

love this article

I really like this article on cellulite. It helps women see the real side of the cellulite treatments. Here is a part of if:
'Flip through any fashion magazine and you're bound to see articles and advertisements detailing a variety of spa treatments that purport to reduce or eliminate cellulite. Electrical muscle stimulation, hormone and enzyme injections, vibrating machines, exfoliants and heating pad treatments are just a few of the services you might be tempted to try. Concerns about safety have caused the Food and Drug Administration to investigate many of these products. Others have been proven to be nothing more than placebos where you may see temporary results, since your body has just lost water from the treatment. Your cellulite usually reappears in all its glory once you eat or drink something.'
Isn't that article so real?

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

home recipe for reducing cellulite

Make your own natural cellulite cream in your home.
Try this aromatherapy recipe. Add two drops each of rosemary and fennel essential oils to three teaspoons of carrier oil, such as almond oil. Massage this mixture daily thoroughly into the affected areas.