Monday, February 26, 2007

Cottage cheese, hail damage, orange peel syndrome--these are some of the more unattractive ways to describe something nearly all women have cellulite.But what can be done about it? We don't like to see it, but it's there. Dimpled skin on the thighs, buttocks, even the stomach. It's enough to make you shred your shorts and pull on pants in the summer.

The problem is, aside from hiding it, you can't get rid of cellulite. The most you can do is reduce it's appearance. And there are several ways to do that. Tara Evans is seeing a doctor about her cellulite. “I wanted to get rid of it,” Evans said. “For bathing suit season, mainly.” Evans is a thin woman, but cellulite does not discriminate. Big or small, any size woman can suffer from cellulite. “I'd say about 80 percent of women have some sort of cellulite and even in younger women as young as 20, you have the appearance of cellulite,”

Dr. Gregory Nikoladis said.Nikoladis is a local dermatologist who likes to combine two procedures to smooth away cellulite: velasmooth and mesotherapy. Velasmooth is a treatment that combines radiofrequency waves, a laser and a mechanical suctioning massage to break up fat. “Whenever you heat up the skin, you get an immediate collagen contraction, you get decrease of fat,” Nikoladis said.A series of injections called mesotherapy helps shrink the fat cells. Nikoladis injected phosphatidycholine--an extract derived from soybeans. Another term for it is lipo-dissolve.

“The main advance that the lipo-dissolve has is using this phophatidycholine, which I believe there's been five or 10 studies which show it does work in reducing fat,” he said. While velasmooth is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, lipo-dissolve for cosmetic use is not. Though, Nikoladis says he's had no problems with it.

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