Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Cellulite! The very word makes some women cringe. The truth is, there’s nothing inherently harmful about cellulite; it’s just body fat. What makes cellulite so loathed is its location and appearance. Because cellulite is stored directly under the skin -- typically on the thighs and buttocks -- its small, uneven bundles of fat cells tend to press against the skin’s surface. This creates the cottage-cheese look we all hate.Cellulite develops mainly in women, who need the extra fat for pregnancy and nursing. Being overweight increases your chances for cellulite, but thin women are susceptible to it, too. (Take that, swimsuit models.) In fact, about 85 percent of women over age 20 have some cellulite.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Surgery for cellulite?

Some women find diet supplements helpful in controlling cellulite.

Is Surgery Effective on Cellulite?

Liposuction has proven effective in taking off inches, but it does not counter cellulite. Liposuction removes collections of fatty tissue from the legs, buttocks, abdomen, back, arms, face and neck areas. It uses a "vacuuming" technique to remove fatty tissue, leaving minimal scarring. Because liposuction does not change the structure of the skin, it can't eliminate cellulite forever. Liposuction is a costly surgical procedure that can hinder the body's natural circulation and waste-elimination processes while the body heals.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Do you know what the contributing factors for cellulite are?

Some of the contributing factors for developing cellulite are:
Heredity, but unlike the strength of your nails or the color and texture of your hair, you can do a lot to fight cellulite.
Insufficient water intake. Water helps the waste system operate, flushing toxins from your body. Drink seven glasses of water a day.
Diet. Poor eating habits (alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods) contribute to the formation of cellulite because the toxins they produce get trapped in the fatty tissue. And despite what you've heard, crash diets don't work to fight cellulite. In fact, crash diets increase the risk of cellulite because the body thinks it's starving and by attempting to compensate, it assists in cellulite formation. All saturated fats help build cellulite. These fats block the arteries and get trapped in the tissue as well, preventing sufficient waste and toxin elimination.
Smoking is not only bad for the skin and lungs, it also weakens the skin due to the constriction of capillaries. It further damages the connective tissue that causes the dimpling effect of cellulite, too.
Tension and stress can cause a muscle to seize up in pain; they can also cause the connective tissue that covers that muscle to seize up. Tension also blocks the tissue, preventing proper waste elimination and purification.
Medication can disturb the body's natural processes, disturbing the purification system that is naturally in place. Diet pills, sleeping pills and diuretics can all lead to cellulite; oral contraceptives, which increase the body's estrogen, cause fat cells to enlarge, leading to water retention. Retaining water inhibits the body from flushing the system of toxins, leading to the formation of cellulite.
Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the formation of cellulite. Exercise decreases many health risks and also helps fight cellulite. It improves muscle tone, circulation and overall well-being, helping to break blocked tissue and purify the body.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Who gets cellulite? Th answer might surprise you!

It's primarily women who are the victims of cellulite. It begins to appear in girls around the age of 14 and increases as we mature and the subcutaneous skin layer thins and redistributes. Cellulite often forms in postnatal women and those who take birth control pills because the waste system can't get rid of the enormous flow of estrogen in the body. Cellulite can develop after a traumatic injury if the circulatory system has been disturbed. A sedentary lifestyle leads to a hardening of the connective tissue, causing a dimpling of the skin.
Men rarely develop cellulite because their network of fat cells occurs deep in the skin. If you were to look at a map of the female body from the inside out, you would see that the cells are smooth in shape and nearly reach the surface of the skin, causing a dimpling effect. Men's cells are shaped more sharply and reside deeper in the skin, rarely poking through to cause the ripples we associate with cellulite.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Fight Cellulite doing these:

How to Fight Cellulite
When it comes to cellulite, don't expect miracles. But by combining good eating and exercise habits with stress reduction and occasional spa treatments, smoother body skin can result. An increase in circulation through massage definitely provides an assist. Endermologie also exfoliates the skin, leaving it soft and silky. The increased circulation also gives you a natural energy boost.
The key to preventing and fighting cellulite is to purify the body with a combination of exercise, a healthy diet, tension reduction and proper circulation.
· A detoxifying diet is a great way to start fighting cellulite. This means lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. It also means eliminating coffee, soda, smoking and alcohol from your life. A low-fat diet, high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, is important because these foods are easiest for the body to break down, use and get rid of. Sugar, starch, salt, spices and animal fats are harder for the body to eliminate. A low-fat diet reduces toxins and assists in getting rid of the toxins trapped in the tissue. Drink plenty of water -- up to two liters a day -- to assist your body in getting rid of unwanted toxins and waste.
· Exercise is extremely important in aiding proper circulation. It firms muscles and the tissue surrounding the muscles.
· Massage not only pampers, it also assists in fighting and preventing cellulite. Massage helps restore the body's natural tendencies by manipulating the muscles, and stimulating the circulatory and lymphatic systems that break down fatty tissue. Massage targets areas that are difficult to stimulate with good old exercise (such as the inner knee and upper thigh areas). Try simply massaging each leg in circular movements, kneading the flesh as you go, for a couple of minutes each day to break down fat and get rid of toxins.
· Skin brushing using a massage brush or glove for a couple of minutes boosts circulation. Start at the feet, brushing the skin in an upward movement. Doing this daily before your shower helps revitalize and improve the skin's appearance.
· Tension not only stresses the muscles, it also causes the connective tissue that covers the muscles to seize up. Tension blocks the tissue, preventing good waste elimination. Relaxation and breathing help the body relax and work properly. Proper breathing eases tension, oxygenates the body and helps with purification.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Do Cellulite Products Help?

Cellulite creams, such as those containing alpha hydroxy acids, help reduce and prevent the appearance of cellulite by improving the elasticity of the skin. They claim to do everything from strengthening to renewing and softening. In conjunction with increased circulation and a change of diet and lifestyle, some of these products do reduce the appearance of cellulite by strengthening the network of connective tissue. Keep in mind that once you stop using these creams, the skin returns to its original state since you haven't permanently altered the skin's natural properties.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Different Types of Cellulite

Hard, or solid, cellulite usually occurs in women who are active (such as dancers or runners). Hard cellulite is difficult to get rid of because it doesn't lift from the body easily. It's also harder to see because it attaches directly to the muscle.
Soft cellulite is not as concentrated as hard cellulite and is much more visible. It occurs in large areas and, because it doesn't attach so strongly to the muscle, it's looser, often sagging from the body. The result is often poor muscle tone. Even though it's easier to spot, it's also easier to remove.
To test for cellulite, lightly pinch or press an area of tissue between your thumb and finger (or in a larger area, between the palms of your two hands). Normal fat appears fairly smooth, but cellulite will reveal dimples or ripples -- like the skin of an orange. Cellulite tissue is also more sensitive and can feel cold to the touch. It might appear whiter than the rest of your skin.

Monday, June 11, 2007

More on Orange Peel

Cellulite is a kind of fat tissue in the subcutaneous layer of the skin that contains constricting bands of connective tissue. This connective tissue, which varies in thickness and is laced with fat cells, is held in place by a network of fibers that protects our body, cushioning our muscles and organs; it is surrounded by a liquid that both nourishes it and provides it with an effective waste system. When all is working well in the system, waste products are removed and smooth curves result; when fats, fluids and toxins are trapped deep in the skin (below the epidural layer), however, the connective tissue thickens and hardens, giving a dimpling effect. As we mature, the layer of skin thins, resulting in the rippled appearance of cellulite.
What is the difference between cellulite and fat? Though everyone has a smooth layer of fat, individual amounts depend on weight, lifestyle and genetics. This fat layer is an insulator for the body and cushions the organs, muscles and nerves. Cellulite, on the other hand, is lumpy and provides no padding whatsoever. It only occurs in certain areas of the body: the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and breasts. When men get cellulite, it tends to be on the neck and abdomen.
Cellulite is not necessarily a factor of body weight. You don't have to be heavy to have cellulite. Though diet and lifestyle affect cellulite formation, a large part of cellulite is comprised of toxins and fat that build up in the body, and can affect women of any size, weight and body structure.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Article Excerpt

Sayonara, Cellulite?
There are new treatments that may be a viable way to get rid of cellulite once and for all, experts tell WebMD.
They include mesotherapy, lasers, and combinations thereof.
"Mesotherapy is a technique where we inject medication, plant extracts, and vitamins into the mesoderm layer of the skin to break-up the amount of cellulite that's visible," explains Marion Shapiro, DO, president of Mesotherapy Associates in New York City and West Orange, N.J. The mesoderm is the middle layer of the skin. "We break the band in skin that causes the lumpy appearance and melt the fat to give a smoother appearance," she says. Shapiro regularly performs mesotherapy on legs, arms, backs, and abdomens.
"You typically see results in four weeks depending on how severe the cellulite is and it costs roughly $500 a session," she says. "It is the only method of permanently getting rid of 50% of cellulite," she says. And it only takes 20 minutes.
"With mesotherapy, you can finally take your sarong off and reveal your new you," she says. When it comes to cellulite, 80% of women have cellulite and the other 20% think they do, quips Tina Alster, MD, director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington. The next big thing in cellulite removal may very well be a new technique called Velasmooth that combines radiofrequency waves, a laser, and a mechanical massage to break up the fat and mobilize the water from tissues to improve the appearance of cellulite. Alster is currently conducting clinical trials using Velasmooth twice a week for a month.
"I think that as soon as we show our results in the Fall, this is going to be a big deal," she predicts. "It is the closest thing I have seen to a viable treatment option for cellulite." Stay tuned.
Bruce E. Katz, MD, medical director of the Juva Skin and Laser Center in New York City, likes the triActive laser for treating cellulite.
"In 10-12 treatments, the cellulite is gone," he says. The laser action breaks up cellulite and helps to increase drainage of lymph and blood cells, so fat cells aren't backed up with the fluid that leads to a cottage cheese appearance, he explains. In addition, the treatment also involves a mechanical massage that may result in a tighter appearance in the treated areas. Then, the system's localized cooling aids in smoothing the appearance of cellulite.
COmplete Article here