Saturday, June 2, 2007

Article Excerpt

Sayonara, Cellulite?
There are new treatments that may be a viable way to get rid of cellulite once and for all, experts tell WebMD.
They include mesotherapy, lasers, and combinations thereof.
"Mesotherapy is a technique where we inject medication, plant extracts, and vitamins into the mesoderm layer of the skin to break-up the amount of cellulite that's visible," explains Marion Shapiro, DO, president of Mesotherapy Associates in New York City and West Orange, N.J. The mesoderm is the middle layer of the skin. "We break the band in skin that causes the lumpy appearance and melt the fat to give a smoother appearance," she says. Shapiro regularly performs mesotherapy on legs, arms, backs, and abdomens.
"You typically see results in four weeks depending on how severe the cellulite is and it costs roughly $500 a session," she says. "It is the only method of permanently getting rid of 50% of cellulite," she says. And it only takes 20 minutes.
"With mesotherapy, you can finally take your sarong off and reveal your new you," she says. When it comes to cellulite, 80% of women have cellulite and the other 20% think they do, quips Tina Alster, MD, director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington. The next big thing in cellulite removal may very well be a new technique called Velasmooth that combines radiofrequency waves, a laser, and a mechanical massage to break up the fat and mobilize the water from tissues to improve the appearance of cellulite. Alster is currently conducting clinical trials using Velasmooth twice a week for a month.
"I think that as soon as we show our results in the Fall, this is going to be a big deal," she predicts. "It is the closest thing I have seen to a viable treatment option for cellulite." Stay tuned.
Bruce E. Katz, MD, medical director of the Juva Skin and Laser Center in New York City, likes the triActive laser for treating cellulite.
"In 10-12 treatments, the cellulite is gone," he says. The laser action breaks up cellulite and helps to increase drainage of lymph and blood cells, so fat cells aren't backed up with the fluid that leads to a cottage cheese appearance, he explains. In addition, the treatment also involves a mechanical massage that may result in a tighter appearance in the treated areas. Then, the system's localized cooling aids in smoothing the appearance of cellulite.
COmplete Article here

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